Exploring the indicators
Indicators page
Apart from the main navigation bar explained here , the page is divided in two areas:
- in the upper part, there's the content area;
- in the lower part, there's a navigation bar:
- clicking on the list icon shows a sidebar
- clicking on the clock icon shows the indicators distribution.
Here you will find a list of indicators, grouped by theme sections. These are:
- Public R&D
- Knowledge exchange and university commercialisation
- Private R&D
- Places attracting R&D firms and workers
Clicking on the name of an indicator will navigate to the trend page for that indicator.
Temporal distribution
On the upper part you can see a representation of the temporal coverage for each available indicator.
Each circle represents that data for an indicator is available for that year.
Click on it to the navigate to that indicator for that specific year.
On the lower part, the timeline shows a list of all years where there is data available for at least one indicator.
Trends page
Apart from the main navigation bar explained above, the page is divided in two areas:
- in the upper part, there's the content area;
- in the lower part, there's a navigation bar:
- clicking on the list icon shows a sidebar;
- clicking on the pulse icon shows the selected indicator trends;
- clicking on the info icon shows the metadata of the selected indicator;
- clicking on the gear icon shows the settings page.
Here you will see a set of trend lines, with each line showing the indicator value for one NUTS2 region over time (where data is available).
Hovering over a trend line highlights the trend and shows the value of the data point nearest to the pointer.
The Timeline shows one white dot for each year that the indicator is available. In this view, the timeline is interactive. Clicking on a dot navigates to a map showing the geographic distribution of the indicator for that year.
Indicator metadata and download
This view shows:
- the indicator metadata (data provenance, date of processing, etc);
- a button to download a CSV file
Here you can find three sections:
- regional selection,
- color scale,
- Y scale.
Regional selection
The trend lines shown correspond to NUTS2 regions, however it is possible to select and filter regions based on the larger NUTS1 regions, of which they are a part. This is particularly useful for clarity when focusing on specific regions and also because NUTS1 regions don't vary over time whereas NUTS2 regions do.
By default all NUTS2 regions are selected.
The selected NUTS2 regions can be highlighted or filtered using the switch in the first section:
- highlighting is useful to focus the attention on the trends for the desired regions while still being able to see them all;
- filtering is useful to isolate trends for the desired regions. When filtering, the colour scale on the left is updated to reflect only the values of the active trends.
Color scale
We provide two color scales for your convenience, that you can set using the switch in this section.
Y scale
You can use the switch in this section to choose between showing absolute values or the values of the region rank: this second mode helps seeing how a region changed its positioning relatively to other regions.
Geographic distribution page
This page can be reached either by clicking on a dot in the Indicators page or by clicking on one of the dots of the timeline when looking at the trend for a particular indicator.
Apart from the main navigation bar explained above, the page is divided in two areas:
- in the upper part, there's the content area;
- in the lower part, there's a navigation bar:
- clicking on the baloon icon shows a map of the selected indicator values;
- clicking on the "sorted list" icon shows a bar chart of the selected indicator values;
- clicking on the info icon shows the metadata of the selected indicator;
- clicking on the gear icon shows the settings page.
The choropleth
Gray regions indicate that there is no data available for that region.
The map shows cities with the most research intensive universities (those in "TRAC peer group A"). This group has been chosen due to its key relevance for BEIS regional policies.
Bar chart
The bar chart in this view shows the indicator values for each NUTS2 region in descending order.
The national average is also shown, represented by a vertical dashed line. This is calculated as the mean of all available values within the year shown.
Indicator metadata and download
Please see the explainer in the correspondent section above.
Here you can find two sections:
- regional selection,
- color scale.
These are the same as explained above.
Downloading all indicators
You can download all data in the tool for your own use.
Please click on the hamburger and then on the download icon in the menu that appears to download a zip file containing the CSV files of all of the indicators.
That zip file also contains an extra CSV file (titled beis_indicators_0_1_4.NUTS2.csv
containing all datapoints of all indicators in a single file.
Some indicators have been created for NUTS3 and LEP, but these are not provided in the tool, nor they are official and should be considered as non-official extras: LEP , NUTS2 , NUTS3 .
Version, changelog and feedback
Please click on the hamburger then find the app version number of the tool (currently 0.1.4
Clicking on the it will navigate to a list of all the notable changes introduced in each version of the tool on GitHub.
Should you find bugs or have ideas about how to enhance this tool, with this feedback form you can find a short survey and our contact details to post your suggestions.